Catholic Pro-Life Documentary Films on DVD
Catholic Pro Life Audio Tapes and CDs
An Evening with an Exorcist - Fr. Thomas Euteneuer
On these Subjects:
Abortion (37) Church Teachings (70) Contraception (13) Euthanasia (12) Family Values (30)
Feminism (9) Forever Human (15) HLI Founder (6) Homosexuality and AIDS (9) Natural Family Planning (10)
New Age (29) Philadelphia Conference 2002 (15) Planned Parenthood (7) Population and Environment (12)
Post-Abortion Healing (10) Spirituality (13)
Da Vinci - Read Between the Lines, A Portrait of Evil (Audio Tape)
Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer
If you’re one of the forty million who are fascinated with "The Da Vinci Code" book or know someone who is, this audio presentation is for you! Authored and personally read by Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, "Da Vinci - Read Between the Lines, A Portrait of Evil" will give you a no-holds-barred look into the lies and distortions aimed at the Catholic Church which serve as the underpinnings of "The Da Vinci Code" craze. Listen to "Read Between the Lines," and you will not only be surprised at what you hear, but armed so as to cast away the lies and distortions yourself.
Price: $9.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONAbortion (Audio Tapes):
Aborted Women, Silent No More (1996) Reardon, Dr. David $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Abortion and Black Genocide (1993) Grier, Delores $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Abortion in Canada (2 tapes) (1999) Landolt, C. Gwendolyn, Grondin, Gilles; Hughes $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Abortion Procedures and their Physical Harm to Women (1998) Johnson, Noreen; Robinson, Haywood $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Abortion: How Statistics Deceive (1997) Valentine, Jon $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
All About Abortifacients (1998) Duplantis, Lloyd $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Black Genocide (1994) Hunter, Rev. Johnny $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Breast Cancer and Abortion (1998) Brind, Joel $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Call to Action or Call to Apostasy? (Tape) Clowes, Dr. Brian $19.75 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Exposing the Language of the Culture of Death (1996) Brennan, William $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Forging Pro-Life Alliances (1997) Levin, Yehuda $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Friday Luncheon -- 17th World Conference (1998) Clark, William $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
From Death to Life: Reflections of an Ex-Abortionist (1996) Nathanson, Dr. Bernard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Hand of God, etc. (1998) Nathanson, Dr. Bernard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Helpers of God's Precious Infants (1998) Reilly, Msgr. Philip $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Keynote Address: With Joyful Hope Together Let Us Rebuild the City of God Reilly, Msgr. Philip $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Post Abortive Healing Burke, Dr. Theresa $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Pro-Abortion Violence Against Pro-Lifers Clowes, Dr. Brian $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Rattling the Enemy (1996) Scheidler, Joseph $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Real Enemies of the Pro-Life Movement (1997) Scheidler, Joe $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Reseating the Holy Trinity Pacwa S.J., Fr. Mitch $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Saturday Banquet, April 18, 1998 $10.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Saving God's Precious Infants (1997) Reilly, Msgr. Philip $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Abortion and Breast Cancer Link (1999) Brind, Joel $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Black Plague of Abortion (1996) Hunter, Rev. Johnny $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Deeper Roots of Abortion (1997) Rice, Charles $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Economic Roots of Abortion (1997) McGrath, Vincent; Miller, Fr. John $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Five Keys to Pro-Life Victory (1998) Clowes, Dr. Brian $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Imminent Threat of Chemical Abortion: RU486 and Others (1998 Glasgow, Richard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Link between Abortion and Breast Cancer (1999) Brind, Joel $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Real Enemies of the Pro-Life Movement (1997) Scheidler, Joseph $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Spiritual Roots of Activism (1996) Scheidler, Joseph $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Tragedy and Opportunity Crutcher, Mark $9.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
What is a Pro-Life Activist (1997) Scheidler, Joe $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
What Makes Pro-Lifers Tick Kreeft, Peter $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Working at State Legislature: Abortion, Euthanasia, Same-Sex Marriages McGivern, Daniel $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONChurch Teachings (Audio Tapes)
A Catholic Response to Contraceptive Imperialism Mosher, Steve $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Annulment: Catholic Divorce (1998) Vasoli, Robert $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Anti-Life Agenda of the Dissenters (1998) Clowes, Dr. Brian $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Building the Culture of Life (1996) Smith, Msgr. William $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Call to Action or Call to Apostasy? (Tape) Clowes, Dr. Brian $19.75 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Can Catholics and Muslims Coexist? (1996) Arinze, Francis Cardinal $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Canada, Humanae Vitae and the Results (1999) deValk, Fr. Alphonse $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Catechetics for the Next Century (1998) Alpha, Marianne $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Catholics in the Pro-Life Movement (1993) Hardon, Fr. John $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Confronting Heresy: Americanism Revisited (1998) Welch, Fr. Richard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Conjugal Chastity (1998) Marx, Fr. Paul $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
David and Goliath: How Christians Can Fight Pornography (1997) Trueman, Patrick $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Deacons for Life (1997) Fournier, Rev. Mr. Keith $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Dealing with Co-Habitation (1998) Gould, Fr. James $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Evangelium Vitae (1996) $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Evangelium Vitae: The Gospel of Life (1995) Habiger, Fr. Matthew $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Evangelization: Proclaiming the Gospel of Life (1999) Forrest, Fr. Tom $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Exercising Your Rights Within The Church (1996) Welch, Fr. Richard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Facts on Contraception and Sterilization (1997) Clowes, Dr. Brian $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Friday Luncheon at HLI's 18th World Conference in Toronto, Canada Newbury, Claude; Tiahrt, Todd $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Friendship, Truth and Conversion (1997) Appleton, Joan; Braun, Debra $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Humanae Vitae and the Natural Law (1997) Habiger, Fr. Matthew $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Implementing the Vademecum for Confessors (1998) Parker, Fr. George $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Irreverence: War on Authority (1996) von Hildebrand, Alice $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Is Dissent from Humanae Vitae Heretical? (1998) Welch, Fr. Richard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Keynote Address: With Joyful Hope Together Let Us Rebuild the City of God Reilly, Msgr. Philip $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Laity Response to Humanae Vitae (1997) Alpha, Marianne $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Modesty and Christian Behavior (1997) McGuigan, Barbara $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
On Donum Vitae (1998) Smith, Janet $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Opening Mass for HLI's 18th World Conference held in Toronto $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Panel Discussion on Humanae Vitae (1998) Marx, Fr. Paul; Gould, Fr. James; Smith, Janet $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Real Love Bonacci, Mary Beth $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Refined By Suffering (1997) von Hildebrand, Alice $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Reseating the Holy Trinity Pacwa S.J., Fr. Mitch $7.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Sacraments and the Moral Life (1996) Smith, Msgr. William $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Saturday Banquet at HLI's 18th World Conference in Toronto $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Secularism: War on the Supernatural (1998) von Hildebrand, Alice $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Sexual Morality: Talking Points from the Pulpit, Part 1 (1998) Habiger, Fr. Matthew $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Sexual Morality: Talking Points from the Pulpit, Part 2 (1998) Habiger, Fr. Matthew $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Spiritualizing Erotic Love (1998) Garrity, Dr. Helen $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Standing up to a Senator (1998) Parker, Fr. George $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Suffering in Christian Life (1998) Habiger, Fr. Matthew $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Teaching the Faith (1999) Marianne, Alpha $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Catholic Catechism Sabotaged (1998) Whitehead, Kenneth $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Christian Alliance: Compromised? (1997) Rice, Charles $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Church in Africa (1998) Onaiyekan, Archbishop John $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Cohabitation Problem Gould, Fr. James $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Collection Plate and Humanae Vitae (1998) Parker, Fr. George $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Decline of Jesuit Higher Education (1997) Sheridan, Ann $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Decline of the Jesuit Order (1997) Sheridan, Ann $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Divine Mercy Revelation (1997) McGivern, Daniel $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Family: Seedbed for Vocations (1998) Gould, Fr. James $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Making of Vatican II (1999) Fessio, Fr. Joseph $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Meaning of Active Participation in the Liturgy (1999) Fessio, Fr. Joseph $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Mystery of Suffering (1996) von Hildebrand, Alice $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Nature and Function of Conscience (1998) Habiger, Fr. Matthew $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Nature, Formation & Function of Conscience (Part 1) Smith, Msgr. William $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Nature, Formation & Function of Conscience (Part 2) Smith, Msgr. William $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Role of the Catholic in the Modern World (1997) Bruskewitz, Most Rev. Fabian $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Role of the Clergy in the Pro-Life Movement (1998) Crutcher, Mark $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Sacred: Reflecting on Our Places and Forms of Worship (1997) Schuler, Msgr. Richard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality (1996) Habiger, Fr. Matthew $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The World Sex Mess Confirms Catholic Teaching (1998) Marx, Fr. Paul $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Theological Objections to Humanae Vitae (1998) Smith, Janet $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Theology of the Body West, Christopher $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Theology of the Body as an Answer to Secular Sex Education West, Christopher $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Why Humanae Vitae cannot be Denied or Ignored (1999) Habiger, Fr. Matthew $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Why I Became a Catholic (1997) Scholberg $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Why We Need NFP, Not Contraception (1998) Hilgers, Thomas $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONContraception (Audio Tapes)
Abortifacient Contraception (1998) Duplantis, Lloyd $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Birth Control: A Protestant Perspective (1997) Valentine, Jon $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Dangers of Contraception and the link with Breat Cancer (1999) Kahlenborn, Chris $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Fighting Sex Education in the Schools Sedlak, Jim $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Oral Contraceptives and Breast Cancer (1999) Kahlenborn, Chris $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Practical Approaches to Educating Patients on Birth Control (199 Bruchalski, John $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Sex Education in Latin America Castenada, Adolfo $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Sterile Love: The #1 Method of Family Planning St. Marie, Fr. Denis $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Abortifacient Nature of Contraception (1997) Duplantis, Lloyd $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Cohabitation Problem Gould, Fr. James $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Effects of Contraception on Personal Relationships (1997) Duplantis, Lloyd $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Pro-Life Movement in Africa v. Culture of Death $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Ravages of Contraception (1998) Wilson, Mercedes $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONEuthanasia (Audio Tapes)
Care of the Dying (1998) Magno, Josefina $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Dying, Palliative Care and Euthanasia (1998) Magno, Josefina M.D. $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Euthanasia (1997) Dolan, John $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Euthanasia's International Movement (1998) Francis, Charles $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Euthanasia: Attempts to Legalize Assisted Suicide (1997) Dolan, John $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Euthanasia: Merciful Killing? (1999) Toffler, William $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Euthanasia: The Coming Darkness (1997) Certulo, Robert $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Euthanasia: The Exit Treatment in the U.S.A. (1998) Helmueller, Mary Therese $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Hippocratic Oath and Assisted Suicide (1997) Dolan, John $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Kevorkian and the Disciples of Death (1996) Cumbey, Constance $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Meeting the Growing Threat of Euthanasia (1997) Cetrolo, Robert; Rice, Charles $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Physician Assisted Suicide (1999) Toffler, William $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONFamily Values (Audio Tapes)
Accessing Grant Money: Foundations and Corporations (1997) Cheatham, Bob $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Adoption: Two Million Couples Waiting (1999) Kuharski, Mary Anne $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Balancing Family Life and Christian Responsibility (1997) Kuharski, Mary Ann $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Developing an Attitude of Gratitude and Need for Forgiveness (1998) McGuigan, Barbara $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Family Strategy: Preparing for the 21st Century (1997) Wood, Steve $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
God's Plan for the Family (1996) Kelly, John $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Grassroots Evangelization (1996) Hunter, Rev. Johnny $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Homeschooling (2 tapes) (1999) Seuffert, Virginia; Doylend, Myriam; Mosher, Vera $10.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Husbands and Fathers: What Is a Covenant Keeper? (1997) Wood, Steve $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
International Adoption (1997) Plotnik $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Love in Action: A Youth Revolution (1997) Vittitow, Marisa $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Love, Life and the Family (1997) Marx, Fr. Paul $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Making Home Schooling Work For You (1996) Wood, Karen $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Managing Family Finances (1997) Lenahan, Phil $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Mary, the Mother of God (1996) McGuigan, Barbara $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Overcoming Life's Stumbling Blocks (1998) Abbot, Gregory; Steinberg, Jeff $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Parenting with Prayer (1999) Kuharski, Mary Ann $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Pro-Life Principles and the Meaning of Authority (1998) McGuigan, Barbara $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Pro-Life, Pro-Family Strategies (1999) Clowes, Dr. Brian $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Raising Godly Children (1997) Kuharski, Mary Ann $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Raising Good Children in Bad Times (1996) Kuharski, Mary Ann $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Raising Pro-Life Children in the Culture of Death (1999) McGuigan, Barbara $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Special Events: Fundraising: The Key to Success (1997) Scholberg $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Taking Control of Your Children's Education (1997) Sedlak, James $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Erosion of Belief (1996) Steichen, Donna $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Keys to Victory (1997) Clowes, Dr.Brian $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
To Last a Lifetime: The Marriage Covenant (1996) Wood, Steve $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
UN: Children's Rights v. Parental Responsibility (1998) Francis, Charles $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Vocation of Being a Wife and Mother Kimberly Hahn $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Wives and Mothers: 'Value Far Beyond Pearls' (1996) Kuharski, Mary Ann $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONFeminism (Audio Tapes)
Catholic Women's Response to Feminism (1998) Francis, Babette $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Edith Stein and True Femininity (1996) von Hildebrand, Alice $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Edith Stein: A Model of Feminity (1999) von Hildebrand, Alice $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Female Religious: Hope for the Future (1996) Lyons, Sr. Winifred $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Feminism, Abortion, and the Fatherhood Crisis (1996) Francis, Charles; Steichen, Donna; Zepezauer, Frank $10.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Folly of Feminism (1999) Sheridan, Ann $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Privilege of Being a Woman (1999) von Hildebrand, Alice $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The UN and the Feminist Agenda (1997) Bell, Theresa $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
UN Feminism and Children (1999) Francis, Babette $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONForever Human (Audio Tapes)
Long Range Planning -- for Your Eternity (1998) Rowell, Ted and Vivian $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Love and Life in the Rosary (1998) McGuigan, Barbara $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Mary and the Pro-Life Movement (1998) Marx, Fr. Paul $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Mary is the Answer: The Schönstatt Movement (1998) Burwinkel, Fr. Elmer $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Mary, My Jewish Mother (1998) Nathanson, Dr. Bernard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Mary, Spouse of the Giver of Life (1998) de Montfort, St. Louis Marie $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Mater Vitae: Mary Mother of Life (1998) Ashley, Fr. William $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Redemptoris Mater and the Defense of Life (1998) O'Donnell, Dr. Timothy $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Fatima Pro-Life Solution (1998) Sockey, Bill $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Forgotten Virtue (1998) Luksik, Peg $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Miraculous Icon of Our Lady of Perpertual Help and the Pro-Life Movement (1998) Welch, Fr. Richard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Mission of Our Lady of Guadalupe (1998) Lynch, Daniel $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Ultrasound: Window into the Womb (2 tapes)(1999) Richard, Shari $10.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
What If Mary Were Pro-Choice? (1998) Sullivan, Bishop James $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Who Possesses the Spirit's Light (1998) Dubay, Fr. Thomas $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONHLI Founder (Audio Tapes)
Chastity in and out of Marriage (1998) Marx, Fr. Paul $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Chastity in Marriage (1996) Marx, Fr. Paul $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Feminism and the Difference between Men and Women (1998) Marx, Fr. Paul $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Love, Life and the Family (1997) Marx, Fr. Paul $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Mary and the Pro-Life Movement (1998) Marx, Fr. Paul $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Global Attack on Life, Faith and the Family Marx, Fr. Paul $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONHomosexuality and AIDS (Audio Tapes)
Abnormal Relations: Same Sex Attraction and Marriage (1999) Smith, Msgr. William $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Courage and Homosexuality (1999) Harvey, John $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Current Controversies Surrounding Homosexuality(1999) Harvey, John $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Homosexuality: A Psychological and Moral Problem (1997) van den Aardweg, Gerald $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences Reisman, Dr. Judith $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Life and Death in South Africa (1996) Newbury, Claude $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Out of Homosexuality (1998) Morrison, David $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Ten Gay Strategies within the Church (1996) Nicolosi, Joseph $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Gay Lie (1996) Nicolosi, Joseph $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONNatural Family Planning (Audio Tapes)
Does Natural Birth Regulation Work? (1998) McCaffrey, Fr. Daniel; Garza, Martha $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Fertility and Natural Family Planning (1998) Bruchalski, John $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Natural Family Planning (1997) Zimmerman, Fr. Anthony $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Natural Family Planning (1999) McCaffrey, Fr. Daniel; Garza, Martha $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Natural Family Planning / L'Sophia (2 tapes) (1999) McCaffrey, Fr. Daniel; Garza, Martha; Zimmerman, Fr. Anthony $10.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
NFP and the Third World (1996) Kelly, John $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Promoting Natural Birth Regulation (1998) McCaffrey, Fr. Daniel; Garza, Martha $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Science and Natural Family Planning (1996) Kelly, John $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Means to Promote NFP (1997) Laird, Bob and Gerri; Arlington Diocese Office of Life $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Role of NFP in Reforming The Culture (1996) Kippley, John $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONNew Age (Audio Tapes)
A Legalistic Fight against Pornography (1997) Trueman, Patrick $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Beijing's Implications for Your Future (1996) Bell, Theresa $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Blueprint for a Just Society (2 tapes) (1999) Habiger, Fr. Matthew; Perricone, Fr. John; Dooley, David $10.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Call to Action or Call to Apostasy? (Tape) Clowes, Dr. Brian $19.75 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Catholics for a Free Choice - Anti Catholicism? (1999) Llaguno, Magaly $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Chesterton on Feminism (1997) von Hildebrand, Alice $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Combating the Escalating Pool of Non-Persons (1996) Brennan, William $7.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Conservative Bishops / Liberal Results Welch, Fr. Richard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Crying Wolf: Modern Day Anti-Semitic Charges (1997) Nathanson, Dr. Bernard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Drug Addiction: What to Do (1998) Francis, Babette $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
How the Liberal Dissent Agenda Impacts the Pro-Life Movement Welch, Fr. Richard $7.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Human Cloning and Public Policy (1999) Forsythe, Clarke $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Money, Justice and Power (1996) Kurland, Norman $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Moral Relativism and the Autonomous Self (1998) Little, Joyce $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
New Age Antisemitism (1997) Levin, Rabbi Yehuda; Lapin, Rabbi Daniel $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Objective Truth and the Culture of Death (1999) Wetzel, Richard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Resisting the Culture of Death (1996) Smith, Msgr. William $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Tactics of Dissenters in the Church (1998) Clowes, Dr. Brian $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The China Threat (1999) Mosher, Steve $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Demise of Culture Through Pornography (1996) Reisman, Judith $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Devastating Impact of Divorce (1996) Francis, Babette and Charles $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Harm of Dissent (1999) Clowes, Dr. Brian $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Harm of Pornography (1999) Showers, Robert $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The International Human Rights Agenda (2 tapes) (1999) Landolt, C. Gwendolyn; Adolphe, Jane; Wilkins, Richard $10.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The New Age: A Catholic View (1993) Pacwa, Fr. Mitch $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Role of Prudence in Fighting the Culture of Death (1999) DeMarco, Donald $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Source and Nature of the Anti-Life Mentality (1997) Clowes, Dr. Brian $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Unmasking 'Catholics' for Free Choice (1997) Llaguno, Magaly $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Witchcraft and Abortion (1998) Welch, Fr. Richard $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONPhiladelphia Pro-Life Conference 2002 (Audio Tapes)
2002 Philadelphia Conference Welcome Message Euteneuer, Fr. Thomas $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Contraception and the Irish Abortion Referendum McCrystal, Patrick $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Fighting Sex Education in the Schools Sedlak, James $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Kinsey: Crime and Consequences Reisman, Dr. Judith $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Planned Parenthood's 3-D Approach to Sex Education Bainbridge, Patricia $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Post Abortive Healing Burke, Dr. Theresa $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Pro- Life Movement in Africa $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Pro-Abortion Violence Against Pro-Lifers Clowes, Dr. Brian $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Real Love Bonacci, Mary Beth $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Reseating the Holy Trinity Pacwa S.J., Fr. Mitch $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Sex Education in Latin America Castanada, Adolfo $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Theology of the Body as an Answer to Secular Sex Education West, Christopher $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Tragedy and Opportunity Crutcher, Mark $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
What Makes Pro-Lifers Tick Kreeft, Peter $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
With Joyful Hope Together Let Us Rebuild the City of God Reilly, Msgr. Philip $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONPlanned Parenthood (Audio Tapes)
IPPF's 'Deadly Deception' (1997) Sedlak, James $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Margaret Sanger's Legacy of Death (1996) Sedlak, James $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Planned Parenthood: Inventing the Future (1996) Sedlak, James $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Recent Successes in the Planned Parenthood Battle (2 tapes) (199 Sedlak, James; Clowes, Brian $10.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Collapse of the Pro-Life Movement (1998) Crutcher, Mark $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Future of the Pro-Life Movement (1999) Forsythe, Clarke $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The New Planned Parenthood (1997) Sedlak, James $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONPopulation and Environment (Audio Tapes)
Beijing's Implications for Your Future (1996) Bell, Theresa $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
China Today (1998) Dunn, Fr. Raymond $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
China's War on Children (1997) Mosher, Steve $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
China's War on Religious and Human Rights (1998) Mosher, Steve $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
China's War on Women (1996) Mosher, Steve $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Development or Population Control? (1999) Habiger, Fr. Matthew $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Finding God in China (1999) Mosher, Steve $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Panel on Global Assault on Life through the UN (1998) Bell, Theresa; Lilley, Floy; Ruse, Austin; Wilson, Mercedes $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Population Policies Destroy Traditional Families (1998) Mosher, Steven $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The China Threat (1999) Mosher, Steve $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
UN Population Control: The Players and Its Victims (2 tapes) Bell, Theresa; Llaguno, Magaly; Ruse, Austin $10.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
UN: Good or Bad? (1998) Paul, Ron $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONPost-Abortion Healing (Audio Tapes)
Inter-Relationships between Child Abuse and Neglect Ney, Philip and Marie $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Post Abortion Syndrome and Allied Pains (1999) Ney, Philip and Marie $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Post Abortion Syndrome and Allied Pains Seminar (3 tapes) Ney, Philip and Marie $15.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Post Abortion: The Key to Healing and Victory (1996) Reardon, Dr. David $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Seminar on Post Abortion Syndrome (5 tapes) - Tape 1 (1998) Ney, Philip and Marie $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Seminar on Post Abortion Syndrome (5 tapes) - Tape 2 (1998) Ney, Philip and Marie $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Seminar on Post Abortion Syndrome (5 tapes) - Tape 3 (1998) Ney, Philip and Marie $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Seminar on Post Abortion Syndrome (5 tapes) - Tape 4 (1998) Ney, Philip and Marie $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Seminar on Post Abortion Syndrome (5 tapes) - Tape 5 (1998) Ney, Philip and Marie $7.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Post-Abortion Syndrome, etc. (1998) Ney, Philip and Marie $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATIONSpirituality (Audio Tapes)
Agenda for Pro-Lifers: Devotion to the Precious Blood (1999) Fr. Mole $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Finding God in China (1999) Mosher, Steve $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Going to Calvary for Prayer and Sidewalk Counseling (1999) Reilly, Msgr. Phillip $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Mary and the Pro-Life Movement (1999) Bell, Joan Andrews $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Mary is the Answer: the Schoenstatt Spirituality (1999) Burwinkel, Fr. Elmer $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Mobilizing Pro-Life Peacemakers: Born to Spiritual Battle (1999) Whalen, Fr. James $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Pro-Life Journalism (2 tapes) (1999) Woodward, Joseph; McFeely, Tom; Stockland, Peter $10.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Sacraments and the Moral Life (1996) Smith, Msgr. William $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Cohabitation Problem Gould, Fr. James $7.71 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Future of the Pro-Life Movement (1999) Forsythe, Clarke $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Nature and Formation of the Conscience (1999) Smith, Msgr. William $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Sacredness of the Real Presence and of Human Life (1999) Barreiro, Msgr. Ignacio $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
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