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Finest Catholic Statues of Jesus, Mary, Saints, Angels, Plaques, and Pedestals

Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA Church Size Statuary for Church, Home or Garden


Click on photos or links below to view different statues sections:

Statues of Mary
Statues of Our Lady
Statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Statues of Our Lady of Fatima
Statues of Our Lady of Lourdes
Statues of Our Lady of Grace

Blessed Virgin Mary Statues and Plaques - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Statues of Christ
Statues of Jesus
Statues of Jesus Christ
Statues of Our Saviour
Statues of Our Lord
Statues of Infant Jesus

Christ Statues and Plaques - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Statues of Saints
Statues St. Joseph
Statues St. Michael
Statues Saint Joseph
Statues St. Anthony
Statues St. Francis

Saints Statues and Plaques - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Statues of Angels
Statues of Angels
Statues of Angels
Statues of Angels
Statues of Angels

Angels Statues and Plaques - Section I - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Catholic Statues of Angels
Catholic Statues of Angels
Catholic Statues of Angels
Catholic Statues of Angels
Catholic Statues of Angels
Catholic Statues of Angels

Angel Statues - Section II - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Statues of Archangels
Statues of Archangels
Statues of Archangels
Statues of Archangels
Statues of Archangels

Angel Statues - Section III - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Statues of the Station of the Cross for Sale Price:
Statues of the Station of the Cross for Sale Price:
Statues of the Station of the Cross for Sale Price:
Statues of the Station of the Cross for Sale Price:

Scenes - Stations of the Cross - Statues - Infant Jesus, Nativities, Holy family - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Pedestals for Statues
Pedestals for Statues
Pedestals for Statues
Pedestals for Statues
Pedestals for Statues

Pedestals for Statues - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA


Plaques - Statues, Shrines, Corpuses and more - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Marble Statues
Marble Statues
Marble Statues
Marble Statues
Marble Statues
Marble Statues

Santini Carrara Marble Statues - Finest Italian Imports - Statues and Pietas

Niches and Shrines
Niches and Shrines
Niches and Shrines
Niches and Shrines
Niches and Shrines

Niches and Shrines for Statues - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA


Crosses For Garden, Home or Church - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Church Altars
Church Altars
Church Altars
Church Altars
Church Altars

Decorative Accessories for Churches, Home, Garden, Statues, Altars and Pedestals - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA



Largest Selection of Finest Outdoor and Indoor Catholic Christian Religious Statues

All Sizes of Indoor or Outdoor Religious Statues, Garden Statues, Plaques, Church Statuary and Other Christian Decorative Accessories.

These Christian Sculptures are of the highest artistic quality.



Other Statues

Angels - Section IV - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Angels - Section V - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Statues of Saints - Section 3

King David - Statues, Busts, Masks, Faces, Torsos, Pedestal and Parts

Candleholders - Section 1

Candleholders - Section 2

Accessories - Catholic Statues and Ornaments for Home and Church

Brackets for Statues - Architectural Elements

Balustrades, Columns, Pedestals, Balusters, Capitals, Ceiling Medallions, Over doors, Pilasters
Architectural Elements for Church, Home and Garden

Garden Decor
Fountains, Tables, Bird Feeders & Pedestals - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Garden Benches and Statues - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Planters, Urns, Vases - Fiber Stone - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Planters, Urns, Vases - Fiberglass - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Decorative Tables, Table Bases, Pedestals and Altars

Large Church Size Statues in All Sizes

Church Size Angel Statues - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

More Statues, Busts and Plaques

Children Statues - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

St. Patrick Day Statues - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Eagle Statues - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Busts of Famous Musicians

Busts of Famous Americans

Busts of Famous Historical Figures

Art - Michelangelo - Statues- Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Patriotic - Independence Day Statues

Live size Decorative Statues - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

God's Creatures - Animals - Statues

Classical Statues

Birdbaths and Bird Feeders - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA

Lion Statues - Outdoor or Indoor - Made in the USA
Lion Garden Statues, Lion Estate Statues, Lion Fountains, Lion Plaques and Lion Table Bases


Caesar Statues, Busts, Urns and Griffins

Sophocles 80 Inch High

Display - Decorative Items





Catholic Bibles




THE DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE - Now in Larger Print!
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?

Text of The Third Secret of Fatima - Complete Report
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy and St. Faustina plus Diary of Sr. Faustina
CATHOLIC BIBLES (Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Editions) FBP
Bishop Fulton Sheen - Audio CDs, Videos, DVDs, and Books


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