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Catholic Bibles and Books on Bible

Catholic Verses
95 Bible Passages That Confound Protestants
by Dave Armstrong

Paperback $21.95

Scriptural proofs for the truth of the Catholic faith

Martin Luther ignited the Protestant Reformation by tacking ninety-five anti-Catholic theses to a church door in Germany. Now Dave Armstrong counters with ninety-five pro-Catholic passages from an authority far greater than Luther: the Bible itself.

Protestants (and even many Catholics) will be surprised to see Catholicism so strongly supported by these Catholic verses.

Not Armstrong!

As a Bible-believing Protestant, he studied Scripture intently. There he encountered countless Catholic verses that convinced him that the Bible is a Catholic book. It was written by Catholics, preserved by Catholics for more than 1,400 years before Luther was born, and even today confirms the claims of the Catholic Church. “That's why,” says Armstrong, “early Protestant opinion was virtually identical to today's Catholic beliefs.”

With humility and care, Armstrong here explains ninety-five key Bible passages that confound all who would use Scripture to criticize the Church and Her doctrines. These are the verses that have drawn so many serious believers — including Armstrong — out of their Protestant congregations and into the Catholic Church.

Armstrong shows that a fair-minded reading of each of these passages (and of the whole Bible) supports the Catholic position on the key issues that divide Protestants from Catholics. Here is Biblical evidence that Catholicism is right about the nature of baptism, the communion of saints, the Eucharist, and the Church; the authority of the Pope, the Bible, and tradition; the salvific role of faith, good works, relics, purgatory, and Mary; the immorality of divorce and contraception; and much more.

The Catholic Verses is essential reading for all persons seeking to understand God's word in the Bible and to discover the Church that continues to preach His word faithfully today.

Spirit of Truth Student Workbook Grade 6 Sacred Scripture
by Sophia Institute For Teachers

Paperback $24.99

Children spend this year immersed in God's Word in the Sacred Scriptures, and explore how the Bible, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, records God's plan of salvation. Includes basics on how to use the Bible, Magisterial authority, how and why we should pray with Scripture, how the Bible is different from other books, and the four senses of Scripture before beginning a comprehensive exploration of the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

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Bible Stories for Little Children
by Sophia Institute Press

Paperback $11.95

Age Range: 6 and up

The Bible stories kids love best

In charming words and classic images beloved by children for over a century, here are the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, David and Goliath, and the Birth of Jesus.

Kids will meet the Three Wise Men and hear Jesus tell of the Good Samaritan, the Rich Man and Lazarus, the Prodigal Son, and the Good Shepherd who goes in search of his lost sheep. They'll see Jesus walk on water, wash His Apostles' feet, carry His Cross, and rise from the dead.

These and the other Bible stories here will fill young children with a sense of wonder and a deep, abiding confidence that God truly loves them.

How to Read the Bible
by Roger Poelman

Paperback $13.95

Of all books, the one we need to know best is the Bible, which contains the revelation of Christ.

God has spoken to us, and the Bible contains His message. God has redeemed us, and the Bible shows us our Redeemer. It tells us what God wants us to know, about Himself, and about ourselves.

But the Bible does not interpret itself, and the Catholic Church has always rightly protected the faithful from erroneous interpretations. The Bible is such a diverse collection of texts, of so many types and ages, that in order to unlock its treasures we need the wisest of guides.

Abbé Poelman is such a guide, writing entirely under the guidance of the Church's authority and that of the Holy Spirit who makes the Church live. He begins not with Genesis but with the Gospels, the "loftiest, most sacred, and most mysterious part of the whole Bible," wherein Christ is revealed, the inmost life of God and the source of our promised joy. Christ is the key to the whole of Scripture, the summit of the mountain to which all roads lead, and all the books of the Bible make most sense when read with him in mind.

Only then, having introduced us to Christ through the Gospels of Luke and John, does Abbé Poelman turn to Genesis and to the creation of the world, to the Patriarchs and the story of the Covenant. This is the story of how God formed a universe and a people in which Christ might be born.

Each chapter is short and to the point, and passages of Scripture are selected for prayerful reading, so that by the time we arrive back at the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, we understand Christ to be truly the center and goal of human history. Brief summaries of the Acts, Letters of the Apostles, and Book of Revelation complete this wonderful little book, leaving us full of love for the God of our salvation.

Catholic Reader’s Bible: The Gospels
by Sophia Institute Press

Paperback $24.95

One of the most prized Bible translations, the Confraternity edition of Challoner-Rheims, is presented here as a “Reader's Bible,” offering the sacred words of Scripture in the form in which they were originally written – without all the verse numbers, section heads, comments, references, and footnotes that, although valuable to scholars, clutter up most Bibles today, drawing attention away from the meaning of the Sacred Text itself.

The early Christians read “the inspired Word of God” without all those academic distractions. Now, with this Catholic Reader's Bible, you finally can too.

Instead of double columns that squeeze short lines of text up against each other, here you'll find generous, single-column pages graced with handsome, readable type. For navigation purposes, the top of each page lists the range of verses on that page.

Plus, this venerable eighteenth-century translation by Richard Challoner, Roman Catholic bishop of England, relies on the long-revered Douay-Rheims Bible and employs language that is more intelligible and familiar today – which is certainly a boon for those of us who open our Bibles not as scholars but as seekers yearning simply to come to know and to love God.

If you've never read God's Word in this way – as it was written – then you are in for an exciting and inspiring experience.

The Catholic Reader's Bible is perfect for brief devotional moments as well as for long, delightful hours of extended reading.

Catholic Reader’s Bible: The Epistles
by Sophia Institute Press

Paperback $24.95

One of the most prized Bible translations, the Confraternity edition of Challoner-Rheims, is presented here as a “Reader's Bible,” offering the sacred words of Scripture in the form in which they were originally written – without all the verse numbers, section heads, comments, references, and footnotes that, although valuable to scholars, clutter up most Bibles today, drawing attention away from the meaning of the Sacred Text itself.

The early Christians read “the inspired Word of God” without all those academic distractions. Now, with this Catholic Reader's Bible, you finally can too.

Instead of double columns that squeeze short lines of text up against each other, here you'll find generous, single-column pages graced with handsome, readable type. For navigation purposes, the top of each page lists the range of verses on that page.

Plus, this venerable eighteenth-century translation by Richard Challoner, Roman Catholic bishop of England, relies on the long-revered Douay-Rheims Bible and employs language that is more intelligible and familiar today – which is certainly a boon for those of us who open our Bibles not as scholars but as seekers yearning simply to come to know and to love God.

If you've never read God's Word in this way – as it was written – then you are in for an exciting and inspiring experience.

The Catholic Reader's Bible is perfect for brief devotional moments as well as for long, delightful hours of extended reading.

Always Inspired
Why Bible-Believing Christians Need the Catholic Church
by Basil Butler
Paperback $14.95

In arguments both lucid and thorough, Benedictine Abbott Basil Christopher Butler shows why the Bible can never be the sole criterion of faith nor serve as a sufficient foundation for the full Christian life to which Jesus calls us.

Butler reminds us that Jesus did not reveal himself to us by means of any written documents whatsoever (the first inspired written texts — all the books of the New Testament — were penned decades after Jesus died).

For in His divine person, Jesus Himself was the final word of God's revelation: the living Jesus who walked among men and spoke to them — the Jesus who, before He returned to the Father, established His Church, endowed it with authority, and implemented the Sacraments as the continuation of His living presence among men . . . a living presence that He has sustained down through the ages even unto today.

Butler affirms that the books of the Old and New Testament are inspired — inspired but incomplete. As the Apostle John notes: “There are many other things Jesus did which, if they all were written, the world itself, I think, would not be able to contain the books that should be written.” (John 20:25)

Written decades after His death, the books of the New Testament do reveal much about Jesus, but they lack the living presence of His person and they have neither the continuing authority with which He endowed His Church nor the soul-saving efficacy of the Sacraments He instituted.

Although the books of the Bible are inspired by God, they are insufficient as the full measure of faith. There is only one source, shows Butler, where Christians can turn for the full truth of Jesus and the means of salvation He gave us: the Catholic Church, which He Himself established 2,000 years ago.



Jesus, the Master Psychologist
Listen to Him

Diary of an American Exorcist
Demons, Possession, and the Modern-Day Battle Against Ancient Evil


The Politics of Envy by Anne Hendershott

Why Be Catholic?

Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics

A Priest Answers 27 Questions You Never Thought to Ask by Fr. Michael Kerper

Forty Reasons I Am a Catholic by Dr. Peter Kreeft

Forty Anti-Catholic Lies
A Mythbusting Apologist Sets the Record Straight

In the Beginning - A Catholic Scientist Explains How God Made Earth Our Home by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

Catholic Faith Explained by Michel Therrien

Real Story of the Reformation

Diaries of the Chinese Martyrs
Stories of Heroic Catholics Living in Mao’s China

The Roman Catacombs
A History of the Christian City Beneath Pagan Rome

How Christianity Saved Civilization
...And Must Do So Again

Infiltration - The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within

Conquering Coronavirus

Our Lady’s Wardrobe by Anthony DeStefano

Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits

A Year with Fr. Rutler

Overcoming the Evil Within

A Catholic Scientist Proves God Exists

Getting Free - How to Overcome Persistent Personal Problems

How to Resist Temptation

Temptations - Where they Come From, What They Mean, and How to Defeat Them

Who is the Devil?

Exorcist Explains How to Heal Possessed and Help Souls Suffering Spiritual Crises

The Art of Spiritual Warfare, The Secret Weapons Satan Can't Withstand

Father Amorth - My Battle Against Satan

Exorcist Explains the Demonic - The Antics of Satan and His Army of Fallen Angels

Around the Year with the Trapp Family
by Maria Augusta Von Trapp

Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?
How the Party I Loved Became the Enemy of My Religion

Catholic Guide to Loneliness

Mother Angelica on Suffering and Burnout

Scripture and Tradition
Yves Congar, O.P.'s Theology of Revelation & Critique of the Protestant Principle of Sola Scriptura

Anti-Catholic Myths Debunked - Five Common Misconceptions Answered and Explained

Priest Answers 27 Questions - You Never Thought to Ask by Fr. Michael Kerper

Mother Angelica’s Quick Guide to the Sacraments

Vision of Fatima by Fr. Thomas McGlynn

In Heaven We’ll Meet Again
The Saints and Scripture on our Heavenly Reunion

Our Lady’s Message
To Three Shepherd Children and the World

Surprised by Life by Patrick Madrid

Vatican Cookbook
500 Years of Classic Recipes, Papal Tributes, and Exclusive Images of Life and Art at the Vatican

Mass Revision
How The Liturgy Is Changing And What It Means For You

Why Be Catholic?

Catholic Apologist’s Set

Behold Your Mother
A Biblical and Historical Defense of the Marian Doctrines

Aquinas Catechism
A Simple Explanation of the Catholic Faith by the Church's Greatest Theologian

Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching
How the Bible Proves the Truth of the Catholic Faith

Surprised by Truth 3
10 More Converts Explain the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic

Biblical Defense of Catholicism, A

What's Right (and What's Wrong) in The Ideas You Live By

The End-Times Error That Leaves the Bible Behind

Why Does God Permit Evil?
15 Reasons That Make Sense of Your Suffering and Will Give You Strength to Bear It

Catholic Verses
95 Bible Passages That Confound Protestants

Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools

Memorize the Faith!
(And Almost Anything Else) Using Methods Taught by the Great Catholic Medieval Memory Masters

What is the Bible?

Bible Proofs for Catholic Truths
A Source Book for Apologists and Inquirers

One-Minute Apologist, The
Essential Catholic Replies to Over 60 Protestant Claims

Always Inspired
Why Bible-Believing Christians Need the Catholic Church

St Augustine Answers 101 Questions on Prayer

Understanding Miracles
How to Know if They Are from God, the Devil, or the Imagination

Quotable Newman
A Definitive Guide to His Central Thoughts and Ideas

Sign of the Cross
The Fifteen Most Powerful Words in the English Language

Most Holy Eucharist
Our Passover and Our Living Bread

Canon Law Explained
A Handbook for Laymen

Rebuilding Catholic Culture
How the Catechism Can Shape Our Common Life

Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church

Catechesi Tradendae
On Catechesis in Our Time

Reclaiming Catholic Social Teaching
A Defense of the Church's True Teachings on Marriage, Family, and the State

Lord’s Prayer
Understanding the 55-Word Catechim Jesus gave Us

Sign of the Cross
The Fifteen Most Powerful Words in the English Language

Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?
How the Party I Loved Became the Enemy of My Religion

One-Minute Aquinas - The Doctor's Quick Answers to Fundamental Questions

Biblical Roots of the Mass

Proving the Catholic Faith is Biblical
From Priestly Celibacy to the Rosary: 80 Short Essays Explaining the Biblical Basis of Catholicism

Why Does God Permit Evil?
15 Reasons That Make Sense of Your Suffering and Will Give You Strength to Bear It

Catholic Guide to Depression
How the Saints, the Sacraments, and Psychiatry Can Help You Break Its Grip and Find Happiness Again

Who is the Devil?

True or False Possession? - Book
How to Distinguish the Demonic from the Demented

Demons, Deliverance, and Discernment
Separating Fact From Fiction About The Spirit World

Discover Your Next Mission from God - Book
Saints who found God's will — and how you can too

Hounds of the Lord - Book
Great Dominican Saints Every Catholic Should Know

Meditations on Mary - Book

Experience Grace in Abundance - Book
Ten Strategies for Your Spiritual Life

God’s Healing Mercy - Book
Finding Your Path to Forgiveness, Peace, and Joy

Love and Mercy Teacher’s Guide - Book
The Story of Salvation

Relics from the Crucifixion - Book
Where They Went and How They Got There

Holy Year in Rome - Book
The Complete Pilgrim’s Guide for the Year of Mercy

Praying with Mother Angelica - Book
Meditations on the Rosary and the Way of the Cross

Rocket Ships and God
A Rocket Scientist Puts Faith to the Test

Reclaiming Catholic Social Teaching
A Defense of the Church's True Teachings on Marriage, Family, and the State

Church Ascending
How the Saints and Sinners Brought About the Triumph of Christianity in the West



Prophecy: Full Prophecy: Text of The Third Secret of Fatima - Complete Text
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy plus Diary of Sr. Faustina
ROMAN CATHOLIC BIBLES - Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Church, School and Catholic Study Bible Edidions
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Audio CDs, Music and Free MP3 Music Downloads, Videos and Books
THE DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE - Now in Larger Print!
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?


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