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Catholic MP3

MP3 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is an MP3-CD?
A: An MP3-CD is a compact disc that is identical in size and appearence to a regular audio compact disc.
However, the information on the disc is compressed so that much more can fit.
A standard CD can only hold 74 minutes of material. An MP3-CD can hold over 20 hours of material.

Q: Is the sound quality good?
A: The sound quality is very good.
In fact, tens of millions of people use MP3 compression to store their music libraries.
The sound quality is excellent for the voice reading in an audio book.

Q: What do I need to listen to an MP3-CD?
A: You can listen to an MP3-CD on most newer DVD players,
nearly all personal computers, and any CD player that is MP3-CD compatible.

Q: How do I find out if my CD or DVD player is "MP3-CD" compatible?
A: In most cases the term "MP3" will be printed on the front or top of the device.

Q: Is it hard to find MP3-CD compatible players?
A: Not at all! All major manufacturers now make MP3-CD players (Panasonic, RCA, Sony, Sonic Blue, Philips, etc.).
Inexpensive store brand versions (e.g. Wal-mart's Durabrand) are also available.
Players are available in portable, boombox, system component (DVD) and car stereo models.
A major website ( sells 76 different car stereo models.

Q: Can these players play regular audio CDs, as well?
A: Yes. And the DVD players can play DVDs, MP3-CDs, and standard audio CDs.

Q: Are TAN MP3-CDs copy-protected?
A: No. You are free to backup the disc, or to convert it to another format for personal use only!
Like any copyrighted work, you cannot legally or morally give away or sell duplicates without permission.

Q: What do you mean by "convert it to another format"?
A: You are allowed to record the MP3-CD onto tapes so that you can play it in a tape deck, if you wish.
Or, if your computer has a CD burner, you can extract the MP3 files onto audio CD-Rs (for This Is the Faith,
you will need about 20) so that you can play them on a standard CD player.

Q: Besides converting the disc to another format, or installing a new MP3-CD car player, how can I play MP3-CDs in my car?
A: Some small MP3-CD players come with car adapter kits.
Some of these take the form of a "dummy" cassette that runs a wire to the MP3-CD player.
Others are in the form of a little FM transmitter to play through the radio.

Q: Is it possible to get the cassette or FM radio converters separately?
A: Yes. They cost between $10 and $20.

Q: Do you plan to release any audiobooks on cassette or audio CD?
A: We have no plans to release TAN Audiobooks in any other formats.
The convenience and savings in the MP3-CD format is so compelling, we believe that over a short period of time, this will be the dominant format for unabridged audiobooks.

Q: Will you be releasing any more audiobooks?
A: Yes! Keep checking for new developments as they occur!


This Is The Faith (MP3 Audio CD)
A Complete Explanation of the Catholic Faith
By: Canon Francis Ripley

A complete reading of the best selling book This Is the Faith. A full 21 hours of reading on a single MP3-CD, at a cost of only $21.00...the same as the book itself! How do you play an MP3-CD? Nearly all personal computers can play this disc, as well as most newer DVD players. There are also many personal CD players and boom-boxes that are equipped to handle this format. Good quality players can be purchased at any large electronics store for under $60.00, and there are a variety of accessories to allow you to listen through you car audio system whether it is a cassette or just a radio. For more information, please read our page

MP3 Frequently Asked Questions.

List Sale Price $21.00



Traditional Roman Catholic Books, MP3 and DVDs

True Devotion to Mary with Total Consecration

The Biblical Basis for Purgatory

The Gargoyle Code
Lenten letters between a master tempter and his diabolical trainee

The Wisdom of Mr. Chesterton
The Very Best Quotes, Quips, and Cracks from the Pen of G.K. Chesterton

The Judas Syndrome
Seven Ancient Heresies Return to Betray Christ Anew

The Life of Mary As Seen By The Mystics
By: Raphael Brown

Parents Children and the Facts of Life

The Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Moments Divine
Before the Blessed Sacrament

The Abbess of Andalusia By: Lorraine V Murray

Sermons of St. Francis de Sales

Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor

This Is The Faith
A Complete Explanation of the Catholic Faith

Catholic MP3

The Rule of St. Benedict


The Spiritual Life
A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology

Stories about Purgatory & What They Reveal

A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture

Liturgical Time Bombs In Vatican II

The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Christian Perfection and Contemplation

The Gift of Oneself

Hungry Souls

Your Labor of Love

Holy Face Prayer

How to Gain a Plenary Indulgence Prayercard

How to Say the Rosary Prayer

Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary Prayercard

The Memorare of St. Joseph Prayercard

Miraculous Prayer to the Little Flower Prayercard

Mission Prayer Card

My God I Love Thee Prayercard

Novena to the Infant Jesus of Prague Prayercard

Our Lady of Good Remedy Prayercard

The Prayer for Priests Prayercard

Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayercard

The Prayer to St. Michael Prayer

The Prayer to St. Michael Prayercard

The Prayer to St. Rita Prayercard

The Prayer To The B.V.M. to Defeat Satan Leaflet

The 15 Promises of Mary Prayercard

The St. Anthony Prayercard

The St. Jude Prayercard

The St. Philomena Novena Prayercard

The Suffering Prayer Leaflet

The 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart Prayercard

MP3 Frequently Asked Questions.


Sacred Heart Gifts
and Art



Rafael Brom - Original Music
List of Albums on CD, DVD and Videos

Christian Pop/Rock, Progressive, Healing, Pro-Life, Marian, Inspirational Music and Love Songs
Free Free MP3 Music of Christian Contemporary Music

Name of Album
CD Sale Price
Ordering Information


Free MP3 Music of Christian Contemporary Music

The Reign of the Antichrist - Shocking DVD

Divine Mercy and Sr. Faustina (Videos and Books)
Padre Pio (Videos)
Medjugorje - The Queen of Peace - Gospa (Videos, DVDs, Books and Audio CDs)
Prophecy of The Third Secret of Fatima
The Kingdom of the Bride


Catholic Bibles
Catholic Prophecy: Prophecy: Text of The Third Secret of Fatima - Complete Text
Books and DVDs on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy plus Diary of Sr. Faustina
Catholic Bibles - Family Catholic Bibles, Spanish Catholic Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Edidions
Music Samples of Christian Songs and Books
THE DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE - Now in Larger Print!
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Catholic Translation of the Bible?


The Reign of the Antichrist - Shocking DVD

Free MP3 Music of Christian Contemporary Music

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"In the year 1864 Lucifer, together with a great number of devils, will be loosed from hell; little by little they will abolish the faith, and that even in persons consecrated to God; they will so blind them, that without a special grace, these persons will take on the spirit of these evil angels; a number of religious houses will lose the faith entirely and cause many souls to be damned.

"Bad books will abound over the earth, and the spirits of darkness will everywhere spread universal relaxation in everything concerning God's service: they will have very great power over nature; there will be churches to serve these spirits. People will be transported form one place to another by these evil spirits, and even priests, because they will not have lived by the good spirit of the gospel, which is a spirit of humility, charity and zeal for the glory of God. The dead and the just will be made to rise."

Apparition of Our Lady of La Salette