By Prof. Dr. Ing. Libor Brom
Draha sestro,
Tvuj nahly odchod z tohoto sveta je pro mne v Americe velkou ranou.
Byla jsi mym jedinym sourozencem a nadhernou sestrou.
Nevidel jsem Te ctyricet let a mam Te pred ocima takovou, jakou jsi byla v mladi
- krasnou a vernou pokracovatelkou v idealech nasich nadmiru cestnych a pracovitych rodicu.
Nikdy jsem neprestal mit pred ocima Tvyj tezky tivot za pul stoleti nacismu a komunismu -
pohrbila jsi sveho manzela Vladimira Visnaka, v poslednim semestru na medicine vyhozeneho studenta, pozdeji hornika na ostravskych dolech;
pohrbila jsi sveho jedinecneho otce Ladislava Broma, ctyrikrat vezneneho vlastence, naposled tyraneho a odsouzeneho ve veku 76 let;
pohybila jsi svou vsemi obdivovanou matku Bozenu Bromovou, dvakrat veznenou vlastenku a oddanou Sokolku,
pohrbila jsi i sveho rnladickeho zete, ktery se vratil z presencni vojenske sluzby polomrtvy a hned zemrel;
pohrbila jsi normalni lidsky zivot, kdyz Tvoje rodina byla naporad pronasledovana, zbavena vsech zivotnich uspor a tez ostravskeho domova;
nakonec pohybila jsi i nadeji na lepsi budoucnost; kdyz jsi videla pokracujicI postkomunisticke podvody, pokrytectvi a pohanstvi.
Zadny div, rnoje draha sestro, ze Tve unavene srdce tak predcasne dotlouklo.
Tvoje pamatka bude vecna.
Vecnost patri lidem, kteri nezradili.
Prof. Dr. Ing. Libor Brom
(1923 - 2006)Libor Brom was professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures and director of Russian Area Studies at the University of Denver.
He is the author of nine books and a great deal of studies in the field of Slavic culture and civilization.
In addition, he has lectured at numerous institutions of learning and before many civic and religious groups on education, literature, and international relations. He has appeared on three continents and often on radio and television.
A native Czechoslovakian, Dr. Brom was an American citizen. He received his education at the Czechoslovak Institute of Technology, School of Economics, the Charles University of Prague, School of law, the San Francisco State University, and the University of Colorado.
In Europe, Dr. Brom served as an economist and lawyer in International Business and as the chief planner in the research. development, and normalization of Czechoslovak river shipbuilding.
As a professor in the United States, he was selected by the Modern Language Association of America as the Teacher with Superlative Performance, named The American by Choice in Colorado, and received a National Americanism Medal.
In the College Book by the Ballantine Books of New York, 1984 he is named Denver University's best professor.
Dr. Brom served in the leadership of many national and international organizations and was imprisoned by both the Nazis and the Communists. He is listed in Who'S Who in America and Who's Who in the World.
Prof. Libor Brom
Libor Brom 1923 to 2006 By Stephen McCulley
Libor Brom: "My Father, Ladislav Brom"
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Marx & Satan
Why do the Chinese police continue to beat and imprison Christians? The father of their hatred, Karl Marx, expresses his desire to crush Christianity. This book provides an examination of Marx’s poetry, plays, correspondence and biographical accounts.
Author: Richard Wurmbrand
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 143 pp.
Topic/Country: Communism/Marxism/SocialismThis book is renamed to
Karl Marx and the Satanic Roots of Communism
Karl Marx and the Satanic Roots of Communism
by Richard WurmbrandPrice: $16.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Karl Marx, coauthor of the revolutionary text The Communist Manifesto, grew up in a Christian family, and his early writings showed belief in a Christian worldview. Yet, in his adulthood Marx embraced a deep personal rebellion against God and all Christian values. In Karl Marx and the Satanic Roots of Communism, Richard Wurmbrand explores the development of Marx’s anti-religious perspective that led to the philosophical foundations of communism.
By examining Marx’s writings as well as biographical accounts, Wurmbrand builds a convincing case that Marx adhered to a belief system which opposes God. Through Marx’s own statements, his hatred for God is revealed along with his desire for “the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions,” including abolishing all religion and all morality.
Karl Marx and the Satanic Roots of Communism provides significant insight into why Christians and the church have been targeted by Marxists and Communists alike as it exposes the evil roots of a theory and government system that continue to persecute Christians today. The evidence also helps the reader answer the question of whether communism and Christianity can coexist—a question that is still relevant today.