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Science and Faith

Apologetics I: The Catholic Faith and Science Student Book


This course explores the scientific evidence for God as well as philosophical proofs of His existence, the historicity of Jesus‘s miracles and Resurrection, the reasons to be Catholic, why an all-loving God would allow suffering, and medical evidence for our transphysical soul. Each chapter includes a study of primary sources from Church history, focus and reflection questions, complete instructions for interactive activities, art, and other visual reflections, Scripture readings, and biographies of Catholic scientists and saints. PLUS... each unit includes instructions for an activity to team-teach with a chemistry, biology, or other science teacher.


ISBN or UPC 978-1-64413-748-2
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 1.5 in
Weight 30 oz
SKU 7482

A Catholic Scientist Champions the Shroud of Turin


The Shroud of Turin is celebrated as one of the holiest and most important relics of Christianity, with millions of pilgrims traveling to see the precious cloth in Italy on the rare occasions it has been displayed. Yet despite its enormous global popularity, the Shroud's authenticity is not without question.

To address lingering uncertainties head-on, celebrated Catholic scientist Dr. Gerard Verschuuren explores and synthesizes the various scientific studies conducted on the Shroud —including those analyzing DNA, blood, carbon, pollen, textile, and anatomical issues — as well as its storied history.

He then scrutinizes the motives of the individual scientists performing these studies, the assumptions they employed to arrive at their conclusions, and the instances in which they veered into areas outside the competence of the sciences.

After this exhaustive and highly satisfying analysis, Dr. Verschuuren reveals the reasons why he believes the Shroud of Turin to be the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ, the crucified Savior of mankind. And he celebrates it as a rare instance in which the science and faith communities can meet each other — and agree.


Pages 192
ISBN or UPC 978-1-64413-320-0
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .7 in
Weight 9 oz
SKU 3200

A Catholic Scientist Proves God Exists


Challenging today's accepted “wisdom,” Catholic scientist Gerard Verschuuren, Ph.D., here demonstrates that the question of whether God exists is not one science can answer. Indeed, that would be like expecting a microscope to reveal the square root of sixteen!

Verschuuren begins by explaining the five famous medieval proofs for the existence of God — based on reason alone — that have survived despite nearly a thousand years of efforts to refute them. With his wise help, you'll come to see that just as reason gives us access to the existence of numbers, so it is reason that gives us access to the existence of God. In fact, when we use our reason to investigate the existence of God, we encounter proofs that are more powerful, by far, than any that science could ever provide.

Yes, Verschuuren is a Catholic; but he's also a long-standing scientist, schooled in using reason alone to draw forth from evidence the proofs to which it necessarily leads. Among the many truths that Verschuuren evinces here by reason alone are the following:

Why science is not qualified to speak about the existence — or nonexistence — of God
The many ways we can know for certain that God exists
How we know that God is all-perfect
How God can be all-knowing
How we know He is all-powerful
What it means to say that He is “all-present”
Why the same God cannot be the God of all religions
And much more that reveals the enormous power of reason — and the even greater power of God!
Try it! Verschuuren's stunning proofs for God's existence — based on evidence alone — will open your eyes, stir your heart and, more importantly, deepen your faith in the wondrous Creator of Heaven and earth!


Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .5 in
Weight 10 oz
SKU 1046

Examination of Conscience for Adults


The Examination of Conscience for Adults is a comprehensive examination based on twelve virtues for the twelve months of the year. The object of this booklet is to initiate lay people into the practice of concentrating their efforts at self-perfection on one virtue a month. It provides a fairly complete list of mortal sins to be avoided, of venial sins to be corrected and of helps and counsels that may be practiced.

Pages 39
Dimensions 8.5 × 6.5 × .5 in
Weight 4 oz

God’s Grandeur
The Catholic Case for Intelligent Design



In an age of rising unbelief, top Catholic thinkers show how, more than ever, both science and reason affirm the words of the great Catholic poet Gerard Manley Hopkins: “The world is charged with the grandeur of God.”

This book, edited by biologist Ann Gauger, clears up common misconceptions regarding intelligent design, showing why it is an argument not from ignorance but from knowledge and how the evidence for God’s design of the natural world is growing. Part 1 explores scientific evidence from experts in cosmology, paleontology, genetics, chemistry, and biology. In part 2, you will learn about the purpose of creation, transcendent beauty, and the distinctiveness of the human person. The third part lays out the theology behind creation and how it reflects God’s glory and concludes with Dr. Anthony Esolen’s essay on the “symphonic order” of the universe, masterfully drawing from science, mathematics, literature, and philosophy.

You will also learn:

What the Church really teaches about evolution
How neo-Thomists wrongly apply Aquinas’s thinking to evolution
Characteristics that distinguish humans from the rest of creation
Why materialistic scientists resist the Big Bang Theory
How to understand the biblical account of Creation
How natural law and transcendental beauty point to the existence of God
Specific scriptures from the Old and New Testaments that testify to the wonder of God’s creative hand
Why Pope Benedict XVI cautioned that vague explanations about creation are insufficient
Moreover, you will learn how the understanding of ancient philosophers and Aquinas regarding the mind-brain connection, coupled with modern neuroscience support intelligent design and the creation of man as not only a material being but a spiritual being.

Each chapter includes extensive references, enabling further exploration. The entire book will strengthen you as never before in the belief that the world is the creation of an intelligent and intentional Designer—One whose greatest longing is for you to spend all eternity with Him.


Pages 400
ISBN or UPC 978-1-64413-860-1
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .75 in
Weight 17 oz
SKU 8601

In the Beginning
A Catholic Scientist Explains How God Made Earth Our Home



The taste of fresh berries, the quiet cadence of waves lapping a lakeshore, the song of an owl in the night, the glory of a sunset: so many details manifest the reality that Earth is not merely the place where we are, but that it is truly our home and is meant to be our home.

Most modern scientists dismiss this notion as romantic nonsense, arguing instead that Earth and, indeed, the entire universe is actually a cosmic accident, the mystifying result of billions of years of random events.

Here in this work of basic science written for nonspecialists, scientist Gerard Verschuuren confronts those men and women on their own territory force for force, atom for atom, cell for cell, and even planet for planet.

With clear, well-documented explanations, he shows that the latest findings of modern cosmology, physics, chemistry, geology, and other sciences tell a remarkably different story. Instead of the vaunted randomness of our immense universe, scientists have recently discovered indisputable patterns in the structures of matter and energy. Over the eons, these distinctive patterns drove the universe inexorably toward formation of the Earth as what we experience it to be: our secure, exceptional, and singularly welcoming home.

In these pages, you'll learn, among other things:

Why the universe is so old . . . and so vast!
Earth's unique chemical and geological characteristics that make it a hospitable place for mankind
How the moon became critical to life on Earth
How volcanism, mass extinctions, and even changes in the Earth's orbit prepared the way for mankind
Evidence that evolutionary changes are not, as the atheists claim, random
Why the Catholic Church has always distinguished the Book of Scripture from the Book of Nature
How science presupposes the existence of God without even realizing it!
The limitations of the scientific method and how those limitations trip up scientists
The many hidden, unscientific dogmas of science
The errors of Stephen Hawking and other popular cosmologists
Why science wrongly denies that the universe was made for mankind
Evidence that we live in a purpose-driven world (and why science is blind to it)
And much more!

Pages 192
ISBN or UPC 978-1-622826-728
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .7 in
Weight 9 oz
SKU 6728

A Catholic Scientist Harmonizes Science and Faith


Modernity, academia, and the media perceive and relentlessly advance a dichotomous, contradictory relationship between faith and science. However, from the time of Aristotle, it has been demonstrated that man is a rational being who reasons intellectually in a way that animals and technology cannot. Man is also a religious being, correlating himself to what is above and seeking answers to the ultimate questions of transcendence.

In his definitive book A Catholic Scientist Harmonizes Science and Faith, Dr. Gerard Verschuuren draws from the reflections of St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, Dr. Peter Kreeft, and numerous scientists, such as Albert Einstein and Gregor Mendel, who reveal the essential connection between reason and religion.

Dr. Verschuuren confirms the necessity of reasoning in scientific theory. Relying on true stories from scientific developments in medicine, astronomy, and physics, he asserts that the scientific method alone can't explain the origins of the universe. By the same token, he decries blind faith and shows how science doesn't threaten the Church. On the contrary: it confirms those truths that Christians have always believed.

That is why the Father of Lies has always sought to pit faith against reason and science against revelation. Dr. Verschuuren explains how the progress of doubt, from agnosticism to atheism to antitheism, is not a result of increased scientific knowledge. Rather, it's part of a diabolical attack on the Faith. The devil means to enthrone a new religion — scientism — in Christianity's place.

This attack can be repelled only by true religion and real science working together, hand in hand, as they always have.

Clarifying the assumptions upon which science and religion are based, this cogent book reflects on how:

Authentic reasoning inevitably leads us closer to God and belief in His attributes
Both science and faith are guided by logic and deal with facts

Faith needs science to avoid fideism, and science requires belief

The New Atheism, including the views of Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins, is erroneous

Our thoughts should be controlled by reality and objective truth

Christianity helped produce modern scientific advancements

There is no "double truth" between evolution and faith and between the Big Bang theory and faith

How Science Points to God


We are told that science and religion are wholly incompatible and that those of us who profess faith in God are unwilling to bend our wills to the truth.

In this highly gratifying book, scientist Dr. Gerard Verschuuren flips this assertion around, showing time and time again how it is not the Christians, but rather the scientists, who are unwilling to incline their wills to the truth when it presents itself.

Dr. Verschuuren helps us to recognize science's limited scope, how it is restricted to what can be dissected, measured, and counted. It is not the only pathway to knowledge.

Science operates within the realm of nature. It cannot, therefore, make aesthetic judgments or moral judgments or draw conclusions about the supernatural, which is, by definition, beyond the realm of nature. Science is likewise ill-equipped to explore ethereal concepts such as beauty and love. It explores only the how, never the why.

But science can, and does, point us in the direction of the Creator. With clear, well-documented explanations, Dr. Verschuuren carefully guides you through the fields of science, identifying the many “hints” and “signs” of God's existence in genetics, neuroscience, behavioral science, semantics, logic, and math. Taken together, these hints provide an overwhelming case for the existence of God that is practically impossible to deny.

How Science Points to God teaches you to approach scientific processes and discoveries with a mind of faith, bringing you to a far deeper understanding of who we are and how we came to be. In this way, science is moving us toward ultimately proving the existence of God, while inspiring and intensifying our faith along the way.


Pages 208
ISBN or UPC 978-1-64413-151-0
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .8 in
Weight 10 oz
SKU 1510




Catholic Books on Heaven, Purgatory and Hell

Science and Faith

Woke-Proof Your Life
A Handbook on Escaping Modern, Political Madness and Shielding Yourself and Your Family by Living a More Self-Sufficient, Fulfilling Life

Surprised by Life
10 Converts Explain How Catholic Teachings on Life Led Them to the Church

Jesus, the Master Psychologist
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Demons, Possession, and the Modern-Day Battle Against Ancient Evil


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Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics

A Priest Answers 27 Questions You Never Thought to Ask by Fr. Michael Kerper

Forty Reasons I Am a Catholic by Dr. Peter Kreeft

Forty Anti-Catholic Lies
A Mythbusting Apologist Sets the Record Straight

In the Beginning - A Catholic Scientist Explains How God Made Earth Our Home by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

Catholic Faith Explained by Michel Therrien

Real Story of the Reformation

Diaries of the Chinese Martyrs
Stories of Heroic Catholics Living in Mao’s China

The Roman Catacombs
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How Christianity Saved Civilization
...And Must Do So Again

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Our Lady’s Wardrobe by Anthony DeStefano

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A Year with Fr. Rutler

Overcoming the Evil Within

A Catholic Scientist Proves God Exists

Getting Free - How to Overcome Persistent Personal Problems

How to Resist Temptation

Temptations - Where they Come From, What They Mean, and How to Defeat Them

Who is the Devil?

Exorcist Explains How to Heal Possessed and Help Souls Suffering Spiritual Crises

The Art of Spiritual Warfare, The Secret Weapons Satan Can't Withstand

Father Amorth - My Battle Against Satan

Exorcist Explains the Demonic - The Antics of Satan and His Army of Fallen Angels

Around the Year with the Trapp Family
by Maria Augusta Von Trapp

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How the Party I Loved Became the Enemy of My Religion

Catholic Guide to Loneliness

Mother Angelica on Suffering and Burnout

Scripture and Tradition
Yves Congar, O.P.'s Theology of Revelation & Critique of the Protestant Principle of Sola Scriptura

Anti-Catholic Myths Debunked - Five Common Misconceptions Answered and Explained

Priest Answers 27 Questions - You Never Thought to Ask by Fr. Michael Kerper

Mother Angelica’s Quick Guide to the Sacraments

Vision of Fatima by Fr. Thomas McGlynn

In Heaven We’ll Meet Again
The Saints and Scripture on our Heavenly Reunion

Our Lady’s Message
To Three Shepherd Children and the World

Surprised by Life by Patrick Madrid

Vatican Cookbook
500 Years of Classic Recipes, Papal Tributes, and Exclusive Images of Life and Art at the Vatican

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Catholic Apologist’s Set

Behold Your Mother
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Aquinas Catechism
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Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching
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Surprised by Truth 3
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Biblical Defense of Catholicism, A

What's Right (and What's Wrong) in The Ideas You Live By

The End-Times Error That Leaves the Bible Behind

Why Does God Permit Evil?
15 Reasons That Make Sense of Your Suffering and Will Give You Strength to Bear It

Catholic Verses
95 Bible Passages That Confound Protestants

Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools

Memorize the Faith!
(And Almost Anything Else) Using Methods Taught by the Great Catholic Medieval Memory Masters

What is the Bible?

Bible Proofs for Catholic Truths
A Source Book for Apologists and Inquirers

One-Minute Apologist, The
Essential Catholic Replies to Over 60 Protestant Claims

Always Inspired
Why Bible-Believing Christians Need the Catholic Church

St Augustine Answers 101 Questions on Prayer

Understanding Miracles
How to Know if They Are from God, the Devil, or the Imagination

Quotable Newman
A Definitive Guide to His Central Thoughts and Ideas

Sign of the Cross
The Fifteen Most Powerful Words in the English Language

Most Holy Eucharist
Our Passover and Our Living Bread

Canon Law Explained
A Handbook for Laymen

Rebuilding Catholic Culture
How the Catechism Can Shape Our Common Life

Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church

Catechesi Tradendae
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Reclaiming Catholic Social Teaching
A Defense of the Church's True Teachings on Marriage, Family, and the State

Lord’s Prayer
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Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?
How the Party I Loved Became the Enemy of My Religion

One-Minute Aquinas - The Doctor's Quick Answers to Fundamental Questions

Biblical Roots of the Mass

Proving the Catholic Faith is Biblical
From Priestly Celibacy to the Rosary: 80 Short Essays Explaining the Biblical Basis of Catholicism

Why Does God Permit Evil?
15 Reasons That Make Sense of Your Suffering and Will Give You Strength to Bear It

Catholic Guide to Depression
How the Saints, the Sacraments, and Psychiatry Can Help You Break Its Grip and Find Happiness Again

Who is the Devil?

True or False Possession? - Book
How to Distinguish the Demonic from the Demented

Demons, Deliverance, and Discernment
Separating Fact From Fiction About The Spirit World

Discover Your Next Mission from God - Book
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