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this series of London lectures, John Stott provides a lasting legacy
as he presents the Jesus of the New Testament and of church history.
Lecture 1: The Original Jesus or How the New Testament Witnesses to
Him Dr. Stott shows from the pages of Scripture the uniqueness of Jesus
and how He is the center of history. He demonstrates that there has
never been another like Him on the face of the earth. Dr. Stott unfolds
how the New Testament, in all of its parts with diverse but complementary
perspectives, joins in a chorus of witness and praise to Jesus Christ
as Savior of the world and the Lord of history. Lecture Outline 1. The
Four Gospels 2. Jesus and Paul 3. The Letters of Paul 4. Three Jewish
Authors For over half a century John Stott has been an ambassador for
Christ. He has served at All Souls, Langham Place in London's West End
as successively Curate, Rector and Rector Emeritus. He was also Chaplain
to the Queen, President of organizations such as Scripture Union, TEAR
Fund and UCCF and the London Institute and is one of the most prolific
Christian authors of the century. Time: 1 hr 10 min | Production Year:
2000 |