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program will help children learn to love the Scriptures. The Gospels
are full of wonderful stories about Jesus and stories Jesus told. These
colorful, live-action programs for children bring to life Jesus' teaching,
healing and caring. Using humor and emotion, they provide a fresh approach
to Bible study. Includes a discussion guide. For ages 6-12.
Teaches" contains three parables told by Jesus in the Gospels (17 minutes):
The Lost Coin
The Good Samaritan
The Log and the Speck
Cares" contains two stories showing how Jesus cared for other people
(13 minutes):
Feeding the Five Thousand
The Woman Forgiven
Heals" contains two stories from the Gospels on Jesus' healing (17 minutes):
Blind Bartimaeus
47 min | Production Year: 1993
501033D - DVD Price $14.95
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