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this series of London lectures, John Stott provides a lasting legacy
as he presents the Jesus of the New Testament and of church history.
Lecture 4: The Eternal Jesus or How He Challenges Us Today
In this final lecture, a two-part presentation, Dr. Stott expounds on
the comprehensive and compelling vision of Jesus Christ the living Lord
as set forth through the eight visions of the Apocalypse, or Book of
Revelation. He begins with guidance on principles of interpretation
to be used in approaching this amazing final book of the Christian New
Testament. He then treats each of the eight visions providing a valuable
overview to the entire Book of Revelation, climaxing with chapters 21-22
with ChristÍs coming as the Bridegroom to claim His bride and the new
heaven and the new earth.
Dr. Stott has served as a Chaplain to the Queen, as President of organizations
such as Scripture Union, TEAR Fund and UCCF and the London Institute
and is one of the most prolific Christian authors of the century. He
has traveled the world, ministering especially to pastors and students,
faithfully proclaiming the fact and implications that Jesus is Lord.
1 hr 1 min | Production Year: 2000